Sometimes Doing the Right thing is Hard
When doing the right thing is hard remember that one’s life is not measured by the number of years she has lived, but by the impact of...
What Will You Tell Jesus When He Asks You This Question?
My pastors served in Pakistan and when they arrived at the conference location, they were greeted by smiling, hugging leaders and pastors...
When You Don’t Feel Cared for by your Pastor
Now more than ever before pastors with a God-given call and anointing are needed to care for their appointed community of believers. When...
You’re Invited–God’s Appointed Times to Meet with Us
It’s significant that two upcoming worship events fall on Major Holy-days established by God. The holidays that God established as part...
Her Eyes Bugged Out, She Smelled like Vicks, She Hated Left Handed Kids
Mrs. Browley, my kindergarten teacher reprimanded me lots of times every day. My speech impediment had me mispronouncing many words and...
Glorious Rising 2014
As our team prepares for Glorious Rising 2014, please keep us in prayer for God’s Presence to be with us. More to come on this site in...