As women anointed by the Lord to lead and serve, we sometimes personally experience the negative effects of prejudice, gender preference, and wrongly interpreted scripture related to women.
I’m thankful to the Lord for eighteen years of ministry, for the ability to persevere and learn through all sorts of experiences, including incidents related to bias and to God’s call upon my life.
I remember one afternoon, staring out a bathroom window with tears streaming down my cheeks. I was younger then, not as wise as I am now, and I had just experienced the heart breaking reality of prejudice in the church. At that time, I was broken up over a choice that looked me right in the eyes. Would I silence my voice to avoid further pain or would I carry on?
I’m sure that we all agree that skin color, gender or nationality should never limit someone from being who God created him or her to be. Yet, sometimes, as anointed women of God, these very issues can get in our way.
If you have green skin, wear a tutu over bright pink tights, and God gives you a blessing to give to me, I’m not standing in His way–bring the blessing sister, wear your tutu. I won’t miss out on what the Lord has for me and I won’t stand in His way, hindering Him in you.
If these very real issues hinder you from doing what God has called you to do, take it from me…
You can be bitter or you can keep going. My advice to every woman is, Keep your eyes on Jesus and carry on.
A long time ago, I saw the inequality in the Church. Honey, the only one who can change someone’s mind is God, so keep praying and keep going.
Certainly God knows when you’ve been hindered by prejudice, misunderstandings, and wrongly divided text, choose the road of Christ, love no matter what and carry on.
You are called. You are anointed. Be the authentic you that you are. If you’re called to wear tutus over pink tights don’t let the opinions of people reduce you to someone that you’re not.
But do all things with Jesus at the helm of your life, cause not another to stumble into sin, keep love as an established value over all that you do and keep going.
As you put a watch over your lips, refusing to speak ill of those who hinder you, and continue your walk with the Lord, He will do amazing things on your behalf, including opening double doors that no man can shut.
I’m so totally for your success and so is our Heavenly Father. With Christ you can do all things.
Blessings to you, Pamela
For Your Study
Scriptures Related to Women Ministers: Exodus 15:20; Judges 4-5; Luke 8:1-3; Acts 1:12-14, Acts 2:17-18 (The Holy Spirit came upon women and men, giving them the ability to prophesy, which is declaring God’s word to all people), Acts 16:11-15 (Meetings in Lydia’s home, indicates that she was given a leadership role, as was typical of that day and culture.), Acts 21:8-9 (Prophets have leadership roles. They tell God’s word to women, men and children.); Several examples of women as leaders are in Romans, i.e.Romans 16:1-2 & Romans 16:7; 1 Timothy 3:3 (Paul acknowledges Phoebe as a woman deacon.), and there are many other examples.