I’m soon taking an overseas trip, without another human traveling with me, and I’m so completely unafraid because the Lord is with me.
But I realize that the courage that I have today is dependent upon my relationship with Him, and that it didn’t come without personal warfare, overcoming a traumatic past, and deciding to trust God.
It didn’t come without a walk with God, one in which there was personal suffering and triumph. The courage that I have is because He lives. It’s not due to sheer human effort, to will power, or to mind over matter.
I realize that when the sea is stormy around me–if I look at the waves, I will sink. I am human. But I also know that if I begin to sink, Jesus will reach out His hand to me.
Have faith in God. Don’t be afraid. Take courage.
Blessings of peace to you,
Pamela Koefoed