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What Will You Tell Jesus When He Asks You This Question?

Writer's picture: Pamela KoefoedPamela Koefoed
My pastors served in Pakistan and when they arrived at the conference location, they were greeted by smiling, hugging leaders and pastors of various churches from throughout the region who draped fragrant, floral leis around their necks. Is this what love looks like?

For years, I’ve believed and taught that the question the Lord will ask us someday is — Have you learned to love? Then I heard a prophet tell his testimony of dying and then coming back to life. When the old prophet died, he was overwhelmed with joy to come to the Lord because he knew that the Lord would welcome him into His kingdom. The Lord looked upon his face and asked, “Did you learn to love?”

Wow. Wow. Wow.

If this is the question that will be asked of all of us, then shouldn’t loving one another be at the top of our goal lists?

Jesus turned to the men who would be the first apostles in His kingdom and He told them, Love one another, as I have loved you.

That command, directed to His disciples, is for all who call upon His Name.

I’m preparing to serve with an amazing team of men and women ministers who are coming to our little part of rural Oregon to serve the Body of Christ during a 3-day gathering, Glorious Rising. As I do so, I’m reflecting on Jesus’ words about love and seeking ways to show His love to those who will attend from throughout the Northwest and to those who are coming to serve in one way or another.

Recently, I watched a FB video that touched me deeply and brought tears to my eyes. It was of a precious pastor and his wife who serve in Africa. After a long absence, their congregation met them at the airport and later they held a celebration in honor of their return. Is this what love looks like?

My pastors served in Pakistan and when they arrived at the conference location, they were greeted by smiling, hugging leaders and pastors of various churches from throughout the region who draped fragrant, floral leis around their necks. Is this what love looks like?

What does love look like among ministers and ministries of the Gospel that are working for the same cause? That cause is Jesus Christ and Him glorified, the maturing of the Bride of Christ, the bringing in of the harvest.

For me love among ministers looks like…honoring one another and being there for each other, and it looks like all sorts of things that build up and bless.

You have wisdom that I need; I have wisdom that you need. You have gifts that differ from mine and will build up the Body in a way my gifts probably won’t. The graces upon my life might strengthen the Body in a different way than the graces on your life. You have experience that I can learn from; I have experience you can learn from.

Imparting and sharing and learning and growing together looks like love to me. Sharing one another’s pulpits looks like love to me. Walking in honor of one another’s uniqueness looks like love to me. Speaking into one another’s destinies and dreams looks like love to me.

We’re all learning to love while here on this side of heaven. Let’s practice what we’re learning and someday we’ll tell Jesus, “Yes, we learned to love. We learned to love.”

About Glorious Rising, October 17-19, 2014, Lakeview, Oregon. Go to:



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