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What Would Your Life be Like if You Lived without Fear?

Writer's picture: Pamela KoefoedPamela Koefoed

Hey friends, have you ever imagined how your life would be different if you lived without fear? Of course, I’m not talking about healthy fear, which is meant to direct us away from real danger.

I posted this question on my Facebook page and am delighted to have several responses to share with you in today’s article. In a minute, I’ll share those with you.

But first…

What would you do that you’re not currently doing if you had no fear? I encourage you to think about it. I would love to see your answer. Feel free to write me in the comment box at the end of this article.

What Would Your Life be Like if You Lived without Fear?

  1. My life would be filled with abundant faith.

  2. I could only imagine that I would feel free. With that freedom would come boldness, encouragement, new relationships, and amazing prayer resulting in deeper faith.

  3. I would have peace, boldness, the thought of enough. I would feed the hungry, heal the sick and boldly go where few men have gone before.

  4. Perfect peace. Right relationships and community. And, of course fear’s opposite–love!

  5. The Lord would have my heart and I would watch His hand work things out.

  6. Unshakable faith that allows one to stand no matter what. I’d have hope through every storm or situation.

  7. I would exercise boldness to overcome.

  8. I would control problems by telling them how big my God is!

  9. One would become what God intended; at no one time would we fail to act in faith in line with God’s purpose, thus our lives would be full of wonders.

I love these responses. It’s a short list, but some common themes are among them. Did you spot them? Faith, boldness, peace, and meaningful relationships. All of these are very good.

You don’t have to wait another day to begin living with less fear. In today’s live video, I give two keys to living a life without fear. I’ve used these keys in my own walk out of trauma caused fear. These tools really work.

Can you imagine what it’s like to live without fear hanging over your life? It means that you will walk in what the Lord places before you. It means that you can have meaningful relationships. It means that your life will not be boring, because you’ll say yes to new opportunities.

You see, Jesus Christ came that we would have an abundant life (John 10:10). It’s God’s will for all of us to live the abundant life that He created.

Get free of fear. Don’t let it hang over you. Through the perfect love of God, you can be totally free from limiting, hindering fear. To help and encourage you, I’ve included the link to today’s live video class, How to be Powerful in Life. This is where you’ll find the two keys for living without fear.

How about you? I would love to know how your life would be different if you lived without fear.

God bless you. He deeply and eternally loves you.


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