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You’re Invited–God’s Appointed Times to Meet with Us

Writer's picture: Pamela KoefoedPamela Koefoed

It’s significant that two upcoming worship events fall on Major Holy-days established by God.

The holidays that God established as part of His covenant with His people are appointments that He set to meet with us for very special blessings bestowed by Him.

Jesus fulfilled the law. And He, in fact, is the fulfillment of the Holy-days. Those days speak of Him past, present and His future coming and reign as King over all the nations. Although we aren’t commanded to keep the Holy-days, there’s still something extremely powerful about gathering for worship during those set dates, and I have experienced and witnessed many great blessings during conferences that were on those days.

INVITATIONS: September 25-27, 2014 during the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana), the Northern California and Southern Oregon Aglow International (which isn’t a women’s only ministry anymore) is hosting a 3 day women and men’s retreat in Cave Junction, Oregon. If you are able to attend, please contact Marty Lawrence, 541-891-3125. Registration $100.00, includes all meals and lodging. Further information: (Upcoming Events)

Glorious Rising, October 16-18, 2014. The annual gathering in Lakeview is expected to be completely full, as following last year’s amazing visitation by the Lord and the accompanying miracles the interest is especially great. There’s no registration fee. Information website:

This year’s 3 day Glorious Rising falls on Jewish Festivals Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.

Shemini Atzeret comes the day after Sukkot which is also known as The In-gathering. It begins the evening of October 15th and ends the evening of October 16th and is a day prophetically  representing a new Outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the final great Harvest. (To see more about the Spiritual significance of October 15-16th — Shemini Atzeret, scroll down to the bottom of this page where I’ve copied a little info that I think you will find very exciting.)

Simchat Torah (Rejoicing with the Torah), October 16th-17th marks the end of a cycle / season and the beginning of a new cycle /season.

If you’ve been desperate to meet with the Lord, to hear His voice, to receive a miracle from Him, to be placed into a new season, to understand your authority and to walk in a greater anointing…I know that I know that I know that the Lord will come to be with us in a very special way because God always keeps His appointments.


Shemini Atzeret

“Comparing the symbolism of this Holy Day with the imagery of a Bride and Bridegroom, and their intimate togetherness, by themselves, after all the guests and party-goers depart, gives us a special insight into the real spiritual implications of Shemini Atzeret. The picture reveals that after the Millennial “Feast” of Sukkot is finished, and the great “Fall Harvest” has been gathered in, the Bride — the Church of God, spiritual Israel (Gal.6:16) — and the Groom, Yeshua the Messiah — will have a special “day” or time to themselves, in an even deeper expression of intimate love, sensitivity, and pure joy.”

“…Shemini Atzeret, then, represents the completion of one cycle, and the beginning of another NEW cycle, according to God’s Plan. It represents a NEW BEGINNING. This “new beginning” requires “rain” — a type of the Spirit of God poured out in order to produce a new crop and a new harvest! Shemini Atzeret represents the beginning of a new RAINY SEASON, during which the earth is nourished by rain from the heavens. Spiritually, then, it represents the pouring out anew of God’s Holy Spirit and the continuation and expectation of a NEW HARVEST for the Kingdom of God!”

October 16th, Shemini Atzeret is a “special day or time” for our Lord to spend with those who are in covenant with Him for a “an even deeper expression of intimate love, sensitivity and joy.” Additionally, this day is prophetic of a new outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit and the great end time Harvest. 



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